To be awake in your body, to know its expression, to feel connection as well as vulnerability is to be fully alive.
By coming to know your inner landscape and how to embrace space, the chains of impulse fall away and a new wisdom and freedom of choice appears.
We can each create a home in ourselves where we can learn to trust again……to feel the whole of who we are, to recognise and celebrate the dance of life within us.
The more we can learn to relax our mental chatter and allow the flow of life to move towards our hearts, we invite the energy within us to find a harmony that transcends physical experience.
Renewing our most intimate conversations with connection, generosity and vulnerability opens a journey of discovery that leads us towards the essence of our life.
Wherever we find ourselves, and whatever has gone before, we each have the capacity to transform and immerse ourselves in the freeing and healing power of nature. As we allow our energies to dance and embrace space we open our hearts afresh to merging with the fullness of life.