So what aspect are we training to develop? Is it to accomplish more and more complex forms, ever greater endurance and strength, deeper and deeper levels of concentration? If so we will increasingly identify with this and resent and become depressed when our body and mind changes in ways we don't like or wish for, leading us to become disillusioned and unhappy.
So what do we want from our practice? Not more attachment, we simply have enough of that already in our lives. Yoga if it is to free us from all that, must offer a different path. A path that moves us away from reliance on the unreliable, identity with the changeable.
We're all going to face changes at some point and that's when the mental development of our practice will show through. Does our practice lead to less attachment to our body, less identity with it being a particular way and does our development of mind bring balance around changes we have little or no control over. If the answer is no, then we need to ask ourselves what is it we are doiing? If the answer is yes then we understand with an openness and clarity when we ask ourselves: 'What are we training for?