occur around you,
don’t claim them,
feel the artistry moving
through and be silent” Rumi
It’s tempting to be impatient in any practice or direction in life; all too often we can power through or give up because we want outward results fast, but as a consequence, progress of a more rounded nature is stunted. Our body and mind is not something to be conquered, battled against or suppressed, but a source of wisdom.
If we can learn to connect with the deepest parts of ourselves whether in yoga, dance or other movement approaches, we can begin to lay bare the inner patterns of holding in the body that restrict us. Setting a direction that is inclusive, physically, mentally and emotionally, we open different doors.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” Einstein
Subtle awareness, both of the energetic body and the feel of the mind, develops our curiosity around our inner movement patterns and what they tell us about our triggered reactions, our complexity and expressions of ego. It’s the beginning of a process of powerful transformation that directs us towards a deeper knowing of ourselves, both light and dark.
Gradually we can learn to become more comfortable around our imperfections, feeling our way through the body to open the door to the love and compassion for ourselves that has been missing.